well this must be the longest time we've ever had with no band practises! but all good now, lanae is back from Fiji and
we have 2 days to practise for this 19th gig, then cristy takes off on a roadtrip to auckland!(fag)..also we had to wait for Chloe to get back from Htwn.
Anyway....we got good feedback from the Foamyed show, so i guess thats good for a start.
All of you who will be in/near Whakatane this weekend...then come to our show!! "The Punks That Stole Christmas" (who the hell made that name up?) wil start round 7pm....see yo all there!!!
YUSSS!!!! NO MORE STUDYING(guys did you even study?) and NO MORE EXAMS!!! WHOOO Arbidday got back on track last week
with a made rush of practises for the gig in Auckland! playing open band for FOAMYED! wow what a night! Our first time we
got to see Foamyed live AND we got to play aswell! geez somethings gone wrong there! we played pretty good though(cough*for
our second gig*cough*) and badly bunged up one of our best songs(which we only just learnt but stil)!
Anyway...we all had a realll wicked time and hope to do some more gigs when selfish Lanae gets back from her "school
trip" to fiji!(fag) but also we have the 19th dec gig coming up which should be some wicked
times aswell! and we have some more recording coming up (thanks JAT) and also some other random gigs about the place!
Catch us LIVE
Well for 3 arbiddays its study time, or study LEAVE time!....band practises have been a bit quite at the moment...because
of school distruptions.
Also we have elected a fine group of young people to be part of the Arbidday life.
Ahh yes..Official Photographer/Filmer.SammyGeekJo, Officialy Groupie, all the way from Welly-Gabrielle, Official Friend,
Shazz, Official Cab.Nicole, and Official no.1 fan.Ed.
And Arbidday is currently looking for a van! NOTE: we have
$73.90, 3 buttons, abit of pocket lint, and a free live arbidday gig, that we can trade for someones van!
After following around a blue VW van yesterday, trying to read the number off the back..we left this note on the windscreen!
we still havent heard back from them.
Until the 19th dec!.....yours truly
The Great Lanae
YAY Arbiddays first gig! saturday 1st nov! went pretty good i recon!...we played 8 songs and as far as we know, everyone
enjoyed it? right guys?....hmm well, the 'new interesting" Dryden played after us, with just daniel and steven! that was pretty
cool!..and then Arse monkeys played after them! the good old Gizzy boys! you guys are great stuff!...but the best act of the
whole night!(apart from Arbidday!:P) even tho they played 2 songs! was Mysterys in the sky! whoop..those 2 songs were wicked
stuff! i have them on video! owww
yeah anyway.....from the gold coin donations at the door, we made some bucks to go towards our 19th dec gig, so pretty
happy about that, and Arbidday will be playing again then! so yay!
One more week of school left for 3 of us! ner ner sasha!...and
then we are sorta gonna keep it down for a few weeks, until exams are done!...but this friday we have a live to air thingee
over in tauranga for BlowholeFM, so that should be fun! everyone who has BlowholeFM tuned in to their radio...listen to it..umm
thursday 13th i think!chur chur